Top 5 Facts You Need To Know About Chlamydia.


I did a podcast not so long ago and the women that I was conversing with, during casual banter back and forth inquired, “I mean, who hasn’t had chlamydia?” My hand shot up IMMEDIATELY as I shouted out, “How about I HAVE NEVER HAD CHLAMYDIA!”

I immediately thought to myself, since when did it become “OK” to get chlamydia? In my mind, chlamydia is still a big F’in deal. Here are my:

Top 5 Facts You Need To Know About Chlamydia:

Chlamydia is an STI(sexually transmitted infection). You get chlamydia by having unprotected sex with someone that has it. This includes anal, oral, or vaginal sex. So this means even homosexuals can get chlamydia through anal sex, AIDS is not the only reason you’ll see actors on 18 Twink and similar sites frequently wearing condoms. And yes, even if your partner doesn’t “CUM,” you can still get it. If you know your significant other or your sexual partner has tested positive for chlamydia, then you might want to refrain from engaging in sexual intercourse and look at here now or somewhere similar, so you’re able to take care of yourself… as it were. It’s understandable that all humans have sexual urges and that these diseases can spread due to this, however many people can refrain from sexual engagements while infected due to the increasing ease of access to porn, as well as the likes of anal masturbators that males can use to emulate the sensation of having sexual intercourse with an anus.

Symptoms. Symptoms can range from being COMPLETELY asymptomatic, to having funky discharge, burning with urination, pelvic pain. Most of the cases that I diagnose in the office are in women that are COMPLETELY asymptomatic. We routinely screen women under the age of 25 for chlamydia at their annual exams as this is where we see the most prevalence. However, if you are entering into a new sexual relationship, are not in a mutually monogamous relationship, or are engaging in “high risk” sexual behavior, you to should be screened annually.

Chlamydia is still a big F’in deal. Chlamydia, if left untreated, can have SERIOUS consequences down the road. PID(pelvic inflammatory disease anyone)? This in turn can lead to inflammation and scarring of the reproductive organs(uterus, fallopian tubes) which translates into PAIN, increased risk of ectopic pregnancies, and difficulty getting pregnant in the future. If you are pregnant and get chlamydia, your fetus may also be adversely affected; i.e., increased risk of preterm labor and delivery as well as pneumonia and eye infections during the newborn period.

When Can I have Sex after I’ve been Treated for chlamydia? The general recommendation is, first off, make sure that your sexual contact/contacts have also been treated. I tell my patients to wait for 7 days after they complete their treatment course to reinitiate sexual relations.

You Can get it again. YES. Just because you’ve had it once back when you were the age to star in a film or likewise, doesn’t mean that it can’t happen again! Especially if your partner/partners weren’t adequately treated or if you or your partner/partners continue to engage in the behaviors that led to your getting chlamydia in the first place. Most practitioners will retest infected patients 3 months after treatment JUST to make sure you haven’t been reinfected with the HEEBEE- GEEBEES!

Hoping this blog post added value to your day. I do realize that this isn’t exactly breakfast conversation. Lunch perhaps? Anyway, remember, chlamydia is STILL a big F’in deal! Don’t catch it!

Until Next Time,

Look Better. Feel Better. Be Better.

Dr. Angela

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Hi new friends!

Mother, Midwesterner, and award-winning OB/GYN, Dr. Angela is equal parts best girlfriend and bold professional, supporting women’s health with innovative approaches to care and heavy doses of humor. Dr. Angela has done more than launch a successful practice, she has defined herself as a voice for a new generation of womanhood, established her ASK DR. ANGELA brand committed to authenticity, and built a community rooted in trust, candor, and compassion.

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