For those of you that are NOT on my mailing list and hence don’t receive the email that goes out each Wednesday prefacing the blog post….well, lets just say you are missing out……ANYWAY, I recently had to deal with my own case of vaginitis over the weekend…….Lets just say, IT WAS NOT FUN!!!
It took EVERYTHING I had not to pull a “MAN” move and scratch my girls…..that would be my labia majora…….the chlorine from the water rides at Six Flags REALLY caused some major irritation… about practicing what you preach…….
I sooooooo should’ve gotten out of those wet clothes ASAP.
So, word to the wise, here are some quick tips I thought you’d find helpful when dealing with your own vaginitis……
1. EVERYTHING ISN’T YEAST! Don’t self diagnose! Have your GYN take a gander. I know, I know, I hear it so often….”I get yeast infections ALL the time”………
Well, perhaps it’s NOT yeast you’re getting “all the time”, which would explain why that over-the-counter Monistat isn’t working. Either that, or MAYBE, it is yeast and you have a resistant strain which requires more in-depth treatment.
2. If there is no associated discharge or odor, perhaps it is a contact dermatitis. I see this ALL the time, whether it be from panty-liners, pads, perfumed soaps and sprays…….The terrible thing about contact dermatitis is that it itches SOOOOOO bad…….you itch, you scratch, you itch, you scratch some more…..this itch-scratch cycle is pretty vicious and has to be broken……Good luck doing that on your own….GO SEE YOUR OB/GYN!
3. In my realm, we call Vagisil VAGIKILL! Sorry folks….SOOOOO NOT a fan of vagisil! And you thought your situation couldn’t get any worse…….try applying vagisil and get back to me
4. The causes of vaginitis, vaginal itching, are NUMEROUS! It could be infectious…..yeast or bacterial vaginosis…..perhaps a contact dermatitis as mentioned earlier…….and to my postmenopausal ladies, lets not forget vaginal atrophy… know, thin, dry vagina…..NOT so comfortable either.
5. Don’t be afraid to take a look DOWN THERE! Come on folks, it’s JUST your vagina! I’m by no means asking you to self diagnose. If you think it looks bad, it probably is!
For more information, please visit:
ALL the more reason for you to see your GYN.
Hoping this blog post adds value to your day!
Until Next Time,
Look Better. Feel Better. Be Better.
Dr. Angela